After so many questions about this topic in the last dragon helmet video series, I decided to offer a premium lesson revealing how I make my custom hand-made organic leather stamps. This is an advanced technique that will allow you to produce leather works that are much more unique and original while also shaving hours off your tooling efforts. Sometimes the off-the-shelf tools just don’t cut it and quality hand-made stamps cost anywhere from $50-$150, and hand-made custom tools can cost much more!
This lesson will demonstrate how I made the three styles of organic tooling I’m using in this current dragon helmet for just a few dollars in materials. Some form of rotary tool is recommended! Some form of saw is also required. A sanding tool is optional but helpful.
– This product is digital content.
– Q&A is welcome with this lesson; any questions related to the video will be compiled into a useful FAQ section for all students.
– Included, Bonus Tips section.
– Included, there will be a tooling demonstration for this technique using these tools.
1 review for Make Your Own Leather Stamps – Organic Series