Elven Lord Helmet CORE Tutorial

The first tutorial in the Elven Lord theme is here!  This is going to be a rather advanced series but we’ll start it off pretty tame and recap some of the basics and use this Part 1 as a primer.  This is also great for anyone who just wants to build this part of the helmet and add their own accessories and other trappings. So to add clarity, and/or if this is your first encounter with this project, just remember that this project has two pattern offerings available.  The CORE version, and the FULL version (which includes the core too of course)

The other patterns in this series are pretty far along and will be among the nearest future releases. After the full helmet is complete, I expect the chest and shoulders will follow close behind, both for patterns and videos.  But unlike previous patterns, this series is going to be built more like an extended course with a number of standalone lessons and other premium content and exclusive video available only to purchasers of the helmet and bundle.  There will most likely be entertainment versions of the tutorial videos made for YouTube and social media but the narration and full tutorials will only be on the academy.

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