For anyone curious about some of our potential confirmed content, use the mind map below to browse some of our upcoming videos.. Most of the videos here are confirmed and in progress to varying degrees. A few may be removed from the list, and there are many additional planned videos not yet revealed.

What’s In Progress?

Check our blog for general updates.

What’s coming soon?

Primary goals for the short term after wrapping up those aforementioned items is to go in hard on the Warrior Series and the Elven Lord Series patterns and tutorials.  We will be still working on custom projects but here too I hope to film more bits and pieces to demonstrate various skills and maybe even share some more stand alone simplified patterns..

What’s Coming Later?

There are so many long term plans including tutorials for other crafting mediums, many more stand alone patterns and lessons, business tips and lessons on how you can make a living as an artist and craftsperson, and more home studio projects as we settle into our new place and start customizing and decorating it in an epic fantasy theme.  Exciting things on the horizon!  We’re just getting started!

A more concrete timeline of upcoming video, pattern, and tutorial projects.

A feature will be added to suggest topics for future content.

A feature will be added to vote on future content.