In order to address some issues that have been popping up on the site, we’re migrating to a new host. If you see an abnormal URL, don’t be alarmed, we’re just on a new server and the DNS (domain stuff) has to update, and it will take a little bit. The site should be completely back to normal soon though, probably within a day. And this upgrade should fix some of the issues people have had with sluggish browsing, and orders not completing and other strange issues that can arise when the server gets bogged down. For anyone curious we’re upgrading to Amazon Web Services through Cloudways. I was trying wp-engine for a while but it wasn’t up to the challenge.
I’ve been gradually updating the site as time permits, and it’s coming along. Some of the goals include fleshing out the courses and course delivery system, video index, help guides, beginner resources, tool guides, affiliate program, members area, community area, loyalty rewards, gamification, and more. You’ll start seeing these features continue to ‘soft launch’ along the way and then once the content is polished, I’ll do a formal announcement.
I’m also working on a complete visual refresh of the site also in progress but I’m not sure when that will go live. I’m trying to prioritize new tutorials, patterns, and custom orders right now.