2024 Updates

Here’s a quick update to kick off the new year! I’ve been working on a number of new features for the academy and some of our pattern and tutorials are almost ready. Behind the scenes, the conclusion of the Elven and Berserker series projects is drying near. and you’ll see some new patterns and tutorials popping up pretty regularly.
I’m almost ready to announce the membership feature, it’s being soft launched now and has some great perks and valuable features. This will tie many systems together on the site too that have been in progress for a while and hopefully provide a more engaging and useful experience with better ways to index our content as more and more educational content is added to the academy.
Expect blog posts soon on memberships and keep an eye on YouTube for the latest public vids. IF you haven’t kept up in a while, be sure to also check out our premium lessons that have been going up.
I’ve filed a lot of projects and vlogs that I just haven’t had time to process, edit, and upload yet but if memberships take off my main goal is to bring in full time video editing help to greatly accelerate the pace of uploads and exclusive content.
One more thing: I haven’t been updating the blog as often as I’d hoped, something I will try to remedy going forward, but I do send monthly updates via our newsletter so make sure you’re signed up if you want to get the latest news.