Quick Start Guide

After Purchasing A Pattern

Thank you for supporting the Prince Armory Academy. 
Please take a moment to review some of the useful tips that will help you get going on your next project!

First Steps

  • When purchasing patterns, you can download them right away!
  • Links are provided during checkout, in email order confirmation, and in the ‘My Downloads’ area of your account page.
  • You will always be able to come back to grab them in your account any time.
  • Most of the answers to common questions are provided in the video tutorial series.
  • If you need a quick reference or general help with printing and other technical details, our FAQ  is a great resource!
  • The best way to get quick help is to ask our Discord  community (Discord is an app for phone, web, and desktops.)
  • Our community full of fellow students and artists who are happy to help new students get rolling in their projects.
  • But of course please always feel welcome to Send Us A Message We do not have a support staff but we’ll try to reply asap!
  • Instructions for most products are provided via video tutorials linked on the product page. (Pre-order/early access projects may be available later)
  • Each tutorial we make has new tips and crafting methods demonstrated, it’s always worth watching the other vids!
  • There is so much supporting content surrounding each product that will help you with your projects!
  • For information regarding printing, sizing, and much more, please view the videos presented in the Getting Started Guide 
  • Additional information will also often be provided and often reiterated upon in the video tutorials for each project.
  • We’re working on a comprehensive index and guide of tools and material guide but it’s not ready quite yet.
  • In the meanwhile, you can preview the old tool guide here that has some useful items split up into different budget brackets that may aid you in your crafting journey.
  • As you are working on your project, you should consider posting Work In Progress photos in our Discord so others can see your progress!
  • Don’t hesitate to reach out and ask for feedback or even weigh in on other members works! We can all help each other grow!

I have a big request – when you finish crafting your pieces, please share your completed works with us!

  • Leave A Picture Review –  visit the product that you purchased and click the review tab to leave your review and upload your pics!
  • Our Discord has an Apprentice gallery too that would be amazing!
  • Please post pics you are ok with the world to see! You might get featured in an upcoming video!
  • Try to take your best photos, ideally with the piece being worn or displayed prominently.
  • Please upload pics that frame your work centrally – images that are cropped in extra tall or wide may display poorly.
  • At any stage of the process, if you feel like something could be better…
  • Or if I missed something important when building the content…
  • Or if our FAQ is missing something…
  • Or there are problems with the website or certain features aren’t working properly…
  • I want to know!  Just drop us a message or leave feedback in the appropriate area on Discord!

Making Money

Once you craft your piece you might decide you want to start selling completed items.

  • This is allowed but you must agree to and understand the Terms and Conditions for commercial use of any Prince Armory & Academy designs.
  • Commercial use is granted as a special permission to all users at this time – provided the terms are followed.
  • One pattern purchase does NOT grant unlimited commercial use.
  • If you are a content creator and you plan to document your project and share it with your audience, please reach out to us!
  • We often work with other brands ourselves to add value on top of the content we’re creating so we understand the power of working with others.
  • We’d love to see what we can do to help you out!