New! Hat Patterns!

New to the academy and coming soon are these epic fantasy-styled hat patterns you’ll be able to craft easily using leather and mostly rivet only construction.  These are a few hats I’ve made myself over the years and now I’m making them available to the academy.  I’m in the process of digitizing the patterns whilst also working on the elven and warrior series and this will be the first of many new and exciting and often exotic original creations. 

These are available for Pre-Order (Learn about pre-orders here)  which means they are available for a discount while they are being prepared. 

And if you act fast, you’ll also get an additional discount during the holiday sale!

Click any of the 3 styles featured below to view the product page for each.

Complete tutorials will be coming for each hat in time as well.  Though these designs are very beginner-friendly so you will probably find success with just the patterns when they are ready soon.

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