Quick Updates For May

Hello all, I’m doing some work on the site and thought I’d make a quick post to provide some updates.

First, for anyone having recent issues logging in and placing orders most issues have been resolved by a rollback and the site should function normally again.

Next, I’m catching up on some blog posts.  I’m retroactively getting some tutorial and video updates posted so check the blog again soon in case you might have missed something.

I’m also working on a video index to add to the site. The amount of content available is growing and needs some structure.   Those who have been following for a while probably just watched the vids as they came out but it’s piled up over time and it’s probably overwhelming to new visitors. And even those who have followed along since the beginning probably missed at least some of the videos.  So I think a simple text-based index will make it easier to navigate the myriad of videos for old and new to find tutorials of interest.

Many more patterns are tutorials are coming soon.  I think the most plausible release next is the full Elven Lord helmet.   I’ll refrain from guessing timeline ETA at the moment as there’s always so much going on it’s hard to estimate but there are quite a few videos completely filmed and many patterns in their final phases.

Oh and to celebrate the completion of the core Imperial Knight components I’m running a sale.  You can get early access to the sale now and it has been extended due to the aforementioned log-in issues that were preventing people from purchasing.

I’ll try to pop in for another update soon but for now I’m going to get back to working on the site and then back to filming the next helmet tutorial.  Come back soon to check the blog again.  And if you want more, don’t forget I’m also posting updates in the discord server sometimes too!  And with any luck we’ll get our social media posting back on track soon too!

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